Our Global Bee Rescue Program
By simply purchasing any of our unique frequency enhanced products, you are instantly recognized as a member of the 4RBees Global Bee Rescue and Bio-Diversity Program because you just helped save thousands of bees!
You will also automatically start to become a bit of a naturalist and environmentalist.
If you don’t already, you immediately start to care about and notice what’s happening in nature, in your community and all around you.
You recognize that chemicals, GMO crops and negative EMF's are ruining natural habitats and how fragile bee colonies and other pollinators are.
You begin to understand the interdependence of all life and more importantly you begin to learn and understand how you can personally make simple choices and changes for a better, more sustainable world.
You Can Also Join by Registering Below and start receiving our newsletters on ways to improve your local neighbourhood or community to make it more bee-utiful and healthy for all of nature, not just for the bees.
Learn about easy, fun and simple projects that support local bee populations and great healthy options for getting outdoors with friends and start changing the world as you want to see it.
We also include special offers and new product introductions only available to our growing community of 4RBees Global Bee Rescuers.
Our Community consists of knowledgeable and loving people that enjoy the benefits of our frequency charged products and want to share the love and Save The Bees.
So Join Us, Share the Love and Bee Awesome!
Support The Bees
Get Really Cool Rewards
All of our PureWave Frequency Charged products are not found anywhere else and proudly display how many bees you helped save.