How To Combat the Mid-Winter Blues and Depression

How To Combat the Mid-Winter Blues and Depression

One of the most challenging things in life is to get out of a depression, whether it’s mild or severe, intermittent or constant. According to many psychiatrists and physicians, this is often because depression usually begins mildly and has a minimal impact on our lives at first. It gradually builds over time, so we rarely notice that we’re depressed until it’s a major problem. Eventually, we get so accustomed to being depressed that it becomes hardwired into our brains as a normal state—but it’s not!


There are very few effective remedies for these conditions that do not demand strict daily regimens, constant self-help protocols, and often regular psychiatric help or counseling. Let’s face it—not many of us can afford the time or money for these treatment options while we’re struggling to earn a living, raise a family, or remain functional in today’s modern society.


Here are 4 easy ways to combat depression and anxiety:


1. Give Time for Others


When we feel depressed, we tend to isolate ourselves. By devoting and spending time with other people who are not necessarily close to you, like family, you immediately create an opportunity to temporarily “break free” from your own personal world and enter someone else’s.


This helps to take your mind away from your own problems and explore someone else’s life, which may spark some ideas you can apply to your own. You may also find that many people have much worse things to deal with than you, and this may help alleviate your personal burden, even a little bit.


You may even find that the time you spend with others makes them feel better about themselves, which in turn helps you feel better about yourself. At the very least, you’ll have a “sounding board” for bouncing off your personal story, and they just might surprise you with some good practical advice. And it’s way cheaper than a psychiatrist.


2. Donate Time to a Charity


As we say, “It’s the small, simple, quiet acts of kindness that really make a difference.”


Acts of kindness, even small and simple ones, can have the most profound effect on our own well-being. Whether it’s helping out at the local food bank or church, assisting the elderly in your community, or canvassing for a noble cause, these actions can make a massive difference in someone else’s life—one person at a time, or one little cause at a time.


By being giving and kind, you will deservedly become proud of yourself. By making this a regular habit, little by little, you will start to feel more empowered and better about yourself every day. Only you can change this world the way you want to see it.


3. Eat Well and Stay Properly Hydrated


When we say "eat well," we mean consuming a balanced diet consisting of whole, high-nutrient foods and eating less of it.

  • Avoid processed foods and sugary treats, which are also high in sodium, saturated fats, chemicals, and preservatives.
  • Eat at least 70% of your diet from whole natural fruits and vegetables.
  • When it comes to proteins, choose cuts that suit your budget best and control your portions—bigger is not always better.
  • Switch to natural sweeteners like raw honey, maple syrup, or molasses, but avoid artificial sweeteners.


Eating well does not necessarily mean spending more—it means spending more time choosing the right foods and finding the freshest foods you can.


For optimal hydration:

  • You should drink approximately 1 liter of water for every 50 lbs of body weight daily or sip 1 cup of water per hour so your body has time to absorb and hydrate your cells properly.
  • Adding 1 tsp of sea salt (not table salt) to every liter of water makes it “electrolytic” and more easily absorbed by your body for full hydration. Sports drinks use salt, but they often contain cheap table salt, which is bad for heart health, so opt for pure, unadulterated sea salt.


Proper nutrition and hydration are cornerstones of good mental, emotional, and physical health and should not be ignored when dealing with brain fog, depression, SAD, or mood swings. Make this step a priority and integrate it into your daily life.


4. The PureWave™ Cell


This may be one of the best and easiest options available for treating depression, anxiety, or those mid-winter blues.


The PureWave Cell emanates a quantum electromagnetic energy field that is not only life-enhancing for bees but also for pets and people.


Many of our customers and supporters tell us how carrying the PureWave Cell around has made them feel calmer, more relaxed, and significantly less anxious.


One woman wrote:


“I gave your PureWave Cell to my daughter about a month or two ago, and she just recently announced to me out of the blue, ‘Mom, I’m not depressed anymore.’ She used to spend nearly 100% of her time in her room with the door closed, but all of a sudden, our happy little girl is back! The only thing that changed has been your PureWave Cell, so many thanks to you all.”


We have many people who claim the PureWave Cell has had a very positive impact on their emotional and mental health, as well as many other issues. However, we also highly recommend getting proper rest, along with a good diet and proper hydration.


The effect the PureWave™ Cell has on sleep is also very beneficial for many people. One man wrote:


“I sleep with it every night under my pillow, and I used to wake up 3 or 4 times a night. Now it’s rare that I wake up at all in the middle of the night, and if I do, I’m able to get right back to sleep again. It’s been a God-send for me.”


Additionally, if one were to take a teaspoon of honey just before bedtime, this may also help with sleep, as raw honey has been a remedy for sleeping better since ancient times.


When you combine the many benefits a PureWave Cell can provide, you can see how this small self-contained quantum field generator can help you and your family in many different ways:

  • Purifying your food and making it fresher for longer
  • Helping alleviate pain and discomfort
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Enhancing overall well-being


The PureWave™ Cell is a must-have item in anyone’s home to combat the blues.


Receive a FREE body pack and use the discount code beattheblues to receive an additional 10% off your PureWave™ Cell order.


Find out more about this amazing quantum field generator here:


Disclaimer: The company makes no claims as to treating or curing any condition in the human body and strongly recommends that everyone should first consult with a licensed medical professional for any diagnosis, analysis, or treatment options for any condition they may be experiencing.
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