Dr. Magda Havas Research Study
Dr. Magda Havas is an internationally renowned scientist and researcher and has been undertaking a fully independent study on the effects of PureWave Cells and Bees over a three year period with the help and cooperation of 4RBees, its employees and volunteers as well as professional independent beekeepers.
Her research paper is nearing completion and she hopes to publish her report later this year after the end of this honey bee season .
As this study is completely independent and not commissioned or funded by 4RBees, we have no influence on her intended publishing date and have no preconceived expectations of its contents.
Regardless of the outcome and her final conclusions, we will be openly presenting her research paper on our website and blog and will announce it immediately through emails and social media when she approves it.
We are highly confident that her report and findings will document similar results to what we have experienced through our years of field testing through numerous beekeepers, that PureWave Quantum Field technology is a “game changer” for saving bees naturally and organically.
Stay tuned
Brent and Jake.