Greetings 4RBees Supporters, Subscribers and Volunteers

Greetings 4RBees Supporters, Subscribers and Volunteers


Welcome to the Wow Summer 2023 4RBees Newsletter!

This past spring, we were hard at work continuing to build our core beekeeper programs and filming some of the results achieved from last year so we can show you the difference we are making together.

Watch the video below for an excerpt.  

Thanks to your support, specially selected, native specie, non-GMO wildflower seeds were again gifted to our new 2023 beekeepers and have been planted in their meadows to maintain pure organic food resources throughout the year for their bee colonies.

This bio-diversity initiative goes hand-in-hand with the PureWave Cells placed inside their hives and it’s all provided by your dollars. Well done!

We’ve also been hard at work creating programs such as the Community Pollinator Network, where education takes centre stage. The Community Pollinator Network focuses on educating public organizations, schools, and the general public about the importance of bees in the environment, and attempts to create as many pollinator-friendly regions as possible in the area.

We know that awareness is the key and the place to start to engage communities in this ambitious project and our aim is to make sure it spreads around the globe. 

Many thanks to award winning Canadian filmmaker Robert Connolly for his welcomed contribution in  filming our project and our progress. We thank him for his dedication and continued work to help us get our message and mission to the world and to help us gain credibility in the natural science community as a solution that actually gets results and works. You may see some of yourselves in his newly edited and soon to be released documentary “Tesla’s Medicine” coming to a theater near you. Smile!        

“If you want to discover the secrets of the Universe – think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”

Did you know that Tesla’s medicine was honey? We didn’t either but it’s true. Nikola Tesla lived on only honey, milk and oats for the last years of his life because he discovered that honey is not only anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral but that only 1 teaspoon of unpasteurized raw honey contains enough nutrients and vitamins to sustain the human body for 24 hours. Amazing!

This season, 4RBees is thrilled to announce the launch of PureWave™ PMF Cells into even more independent organic beekeepers hives. Some are highly notable beekeepers such as Ian Clark, CEO and Founder of Activation Products Inc. (, a company that manufactures and distributes the highest quality organic nutritional oils and products world-wide. We are proud to have Ian on the 4RBees Team and he just loves PureWave Energized Honey. Welcome to the 4RBees Team Ian and all the new beekeepers who have joined the team in 2023!

The PureWave™ geo-magnetic powered cells create an amazing life affirming magnetic field specifically designed to boost the immune system of bees and protect them in an efficient and cost-effective way for beekeepers. This magnetic field protects bees from harmful EMF frequencies, chemicals, diseases and even the deadly varroa destructor mites.

With the help of PureWave™ Cells, bee populations’ forage earlier and later in the day to get the essential nutrition they need to thrive and contribute to the healthy balance of our ecosystem.

In addition to the PureWave™ Cells, 4RBees offers a range of products and services designed to protect bees. Our PureWave™ Honey and other PureWave™ Bee products are a sustainable, delicious way to support bee populations. Educate yourself and others with our extensive educational resources, or join us in volunteering with local farmers and communities to promote sustainable practices.

Thank you again for your continued support as we work to help save and protect bee populations and increase organic bio-diversity.

A very special thank you goes out to those who have joined our 1000 Bees a Month Club to save the bees and save the world. You personally have taken an active part in the effort to ensure a healthier future for everyone on an ongoing basis so a very special thank you and congratulations to all members is due!

So, in honor of these wonderful people, 4RBees will be sending you, and only you, special discounts and product offers not available to anyone else. You will see discounts and giveaways that should more than make up for the monthly contributions you make and that we are so grateful for.

So stay tuned!


Look what your support has accomplished this past year!


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1 comment

I bought the purewavecell a couple of weeks ago & have been sleeping with it on my right hip (I have severe scoliosis & pain) I used to wake up with pain on my hip & since I’ve been sleeping with it the pain is slowly diminishing considerably. I truly believed in the power of sacred geometry & the Flower of Life even though I did not have that much experience with magnets, I am impressed at the improvement with my hip… Thank you for this magnificent invention. I love the honey too

Cristina Rilla

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