End of Season Report - from Ann
End of Season Report - Purewave Cell -from Ann Holliday
I started three new honey bee hives this past spring; one had a Purewave Cell placed in it and the other two were without.
I observed the Purewave hive producing more honey and bees, at a much faster rate than the other two hives, all in the same location, with identical food, and water supplies. Interesting.
When I opened the Purewave hive, the bees were noticeably calmer to work with in comparison to the other hives. Pleasantly surprised.
I am very pleased with the results in having the Purewave cell in one of my hives. It’s one thing to read and listen to others findings, but to experience and see first hand such a profound positive impact the Purewave cell is having on my bees, not to mention for me in my own home; I have one too! Incredible!
In conclusion, I am very curious and excited to see the over wintering results and how this hive will evolve going forward next season. Thanks so very much for this amazing opportunity to participate in such a worthwhile project.
In gratitude from Ann at Just Beecuz Honey