This blog and website contains general information and discussions about health and related subjects from non-verified, independent 3 rd party sources. Information and content provided in this blog and website, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construedas medical advice nor is the information a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosisor treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern or question, you should contact a licensed health care provider and seek professional medical treatment.


Can Honey Help Manage Diabetes?

Can Honey Help Manage Diabetes?

  Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases today, affecting hundreds of millions worldwide. While it remains a leading cause of mortality, diabetes doesn't have to be...

Can Honey Help Manage Diabetes?

  Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases today, affecting hundreds of millions worldwide. While it remains a leading cause of mortality, diabetes doesn't have to be...

Homemade PureWave Honeycomb Candy Recipe

Homemade PureWave Honeycomb Candy Recipe

You have probably heard the term “easy as pie” but making delicious honeycomb candy is actually a lot easier than making a pie. This is the perfect healthy treat for...

Homemade PureWave Honeycomb Candy Recipe

You have probably heard the term “easy as pie” but making delicious honeycomb candy is actually a lot easier than making a pie. This is the perfect healthy treat for...

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For a small monthly contribution your generous support goes directly to providing more PureWave Cells to beekeepers for free and directly funds our Wildflower Corridor Bio-Diversity and Community Initiatives. Enjoy exclusive discounts only available to members as well as special giveaways, prizes and more.

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