Claudia and Charlene's Story
At 4RBees our mission is simply to help save bees organically and globally and from time to time we like to feature some of our newer beekeepers so you can see how and where your support is making a huge difference.
Take for instance Claudia and Charlene - two organic farmers that are very new to beekeeping because they came to understand that beekeeping is a very essential part of farming and especially with organic farming.
Although they are new to beekeeping and only have two hives, we gave them a PureWave Cell this past year (thanks to you) so they could witness the difference between the two hives, one with a PureWave Cell and one without.
Here’s what they had to say:
Well Charlene and I have completed our first year bee adventure. The bees did not fly off and we got some honey so this was a huge success!
Now to see if they survive the winter. As we have only 2 hives, one with a pure wave cell and one without, we are always trying to compare and we have some very positive results.
The day we took our honey supers off this is what we found: The PureWave hive had the entire 10 frame honey super full! The amazing thing was they had 7 new foundation frames that they had to draw out and only 3 frames that had drawn out comb.
By comparison the hive with no PureWave Cell were given 7 drawn out frames and only 3 new foundation frames and at harvest time there were 2 empty new foundation frames. Quite a difference!
The PureWave Cell bees were rock stars! It’s a little hard to see but the picture has the pure wave cell placed on top of the frames on the upper box, we moved it here for the winter, it had been sitting under the hive box for the summer.
Although we are new and know relatively little about beekeeping our approach is holistic with 100% no chemicals and no refined sugar feeding as well as minimal intervention.
The Purewave Cell and 4RBees are right in alignment with our values and this is very exciting to us.
Thank you again for supporting our journey as new beekeepers, it is very much appreciated.
Claudia & Charlene
Beekeepers like Claudia and Charlene’s success with the 4RBees PureWave Cell was sponsored solely from 1000 Bees A Month Club subscribers and those wonderful individuals who have purchased our products or pledged a donation to help us save more bees.
This Holiday Season please consider sponsoring a hive or helping us reach more small independent beekeepers and help us take our mission to the world.
Discover how you can take action to help save the bees and the planet now, and for generations to come here.
We couldn’t do any of this without good people like you. Thank you.
In kindness and gratitude,
Jake and Brent
1 comment
Is a great idea. Spread this all over to have more active bee colonies