Join The
Mission to Save the Bees
Help protect our pollinators and sustain our planet
Become a Guardian of Nature today!
Supporters purchase products or pledge funds to provide lifesaving PureWave Quantum Technology free to beekeepers and to increase organic biodiversity
4RBees installs PureWave Cells into beehives for with organic wildflower corridor initiatives and other community-based projects to heal and protect all pollinators
Bee colonies thrive and grow and produce more honey without the need of chemicals or pesticides producing a unique honey of unequaled quality and purity
4RBees produces and offers highly energized 100% pure healthy honey and other unique products not available anywhere else enabling more support to beekeepers

Empowering Beekeepers with PureWave™ Quantum Technology
4RBees is a mission-driven enterprise that uses a revolutionary quantum field technology that we call PureWave.
Every purchase and pledge you make helps to build and install our life-saving, all-natural, PureWave™ Cells into beehives that are owned by small, independent beekeepers FOR FREE!
Quantum Field Technology That Saves Bees Naturally
PureWave Cells placed inside of beehives supercharges the immune system of bees naturally making them thrive and grow while helping to prevent colony collapse disorder and winter die-off

Raw Unpasteurized 100% Pure Honey that is Energized with Quantum Technology
Unfiltered and Unpasteurized Raw Honey that contains all the natural bee propolis, royal jelly, nutrients and enzymes, extracted only from PureWave Beehives. After packaging, it is then activated with our Chrysalis Quantum Field Energizer to naturally enhance the bio-electrical properties of this healing super-food making it more bio-available and without any trace chemicals or contaminants.

Save A Hive
“We always wanted to be part of something bigger than ourselves and now everyone can be a part of this vital mission.” -Brent Knudsen, Co-Founder 4RBees
A great way to help reclaim our planet is to join The 1000 Bees A Month Club or Sponsor a Hive Program. Your subscription goes directly toward providing more PureWave Cells and planting more organic, native species, self-regenerating wildflowers on your behalf.
Every Time You Purchase 4RBees Products You Save More Bees
All Products
4RBees along with amazing volunteers increase bio-diversity by providing organic, non-GMO, native species, medicinal wildflower seeds that provide high octane nectar and pollen all season long for both wild and managed pollinators. Our special seed mix is self-regenerating which seeds itself year after year providing more and more flowers each year and for many decades into the future.
By purchasing our unique “energized” gifts from the bees you become part of a Global Bee Rescue and Bio-Diversity movement that will change our planet for generations to come saving billions of bees, planting billions of wildflowers and supporting millions of noble independent beekeepers in struggling communities globally.
Don’t take our word for it
Join the 1000 Bees a Month Club
For a small monthly contribution your generous support goes directly to providing more PureWave Cells to beekeepers for free and directly funds our Wildflower Corridor Bio-Diversity and Community Initiatives. Enjoy exclusive discounts only available to members as well as special giveaways, prizes and more.