Help Us Save The Bees

Help install PureWave cells in beehives and save 1000 bees every month. Enjoy exclusive event invites, prizes, and more.

How to Help

Your Support Also Funds

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Advocacy For Bee Health
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Community Pollinator Education
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Wildlife Clean up Crews
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Research & Technology
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International Bee Organizations
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Join the 1000 Bees a Month Club

For $10/month, help install PureWave cells in beehives and save 1000 bees every month. Support our Global Bee Rescue and Biodiversity efforts. Enjoy exclusive event invites, prizes, and more.

Make a difference—sign up now!

Explore PureWave
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Our Programs to Save Bees

Sponsor a Hive

4RBees is introducing a brand new program that takes your Bee Rescue Mission to a whole new level with Sponsor A Hive!

Learn More
1000 Bees a Month Club

If you really want to Maximize your Impact and increase your Planet Positive Footprint consider signing up for the 4RBees 1000 Bees a Month Club.

Join the Club
Make a Pledge

Please consider making a one-time pledge to help our valuable work. Any sum, large or small will help immensely. Your generosity supports a vital mission to provide life-saving technology to independent beekeepers and plant more pollinator habitats. 

Make a Pledge
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Shop Our Products

By purchasing our unique "energized" gifts from the bees, you become part of a Global Bee Rescue and Bio-Diversity Movement that will save billions of bees, plant millions of wildflowers and help countless small independent beekeepers in struggling communities globally.

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Become a 4RBees Brand Ambassador

Join us in our mission to make a real difference in the world.

Learn More

At 4RBees, we're on a mission to rescue and revitalize bee populations through innovative technology and sustainable practices, and we need your help to spread the buzz!

🌼 Save the Bees: Every purchase and pledge you help generate contributes to the installation of life-saving PureWave™ Cells in beehives, preventing colony collapse disorder and supporting beekeepers.

🌱 Boost Biodiversity: Get involved in planting initiatives by providing non-GMO medicinal wildflower seeds, creating pesticide-free havens for our precious pollinators.

🌏 Global Impact: By becoming a 4RBees Brand Ambassador, you become a part of the Global Bee Rescue and Bio-Diversity Movement, saving billions of bees, planting millions of wildflowers, and aiding independent beekeepers worldwide.

🍯 Energize Your Earnings: Promote our unique "energized" bee gifts and earn commissions while helping bees thrive. Our Chrysalis Energizer enhances honey's properties, making it even more appealing to conscious consumers.🚀 Revolutionary Technology: 4RBEES uses revolutionary magnetic field technology to create the PureWave, leading the way in sustainable beekeeping practices.

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Brand Ambassador: Features and Benefits

Register as a Brand AmbassadorBrand Ambassador Log In

After your Brand Ambassador, registration is submitted, you will be contacted to complete your account with access to your ambassador links and resources.
  •  Payout: Every Week on Friday (min $100 earned)
  •  Cookie Length: 60 days
  •  Target Audience: People looking for a healthy natural approach to their personal lives, their pets, their food and with their purchases supporting a universal movement to help save the bees and the planet.

Ambassador’s will earn:


Commission on all Direct Ambassador Link Sales


Commission on all Recurring Sales to your customers for 365 days


Commission on Discounted Sales using your 20% Off Coupon Code for your customers

2-tier additional earning program:


You will earn 10% of your Sub Ambassadors' earnings.

Expand Your Earnings by Building Your Ambassadors Team thru your custom sub-ambassador registration link.

Exceptional Commission Rates

Supported Promotional Materials

Dedicated Ambassador Management & Support

Fast and Timely Commission Payments

Interview Opportunities with Company Founders

Accurate Tracking and Commission Reporting

Special Discounts for You and Your Network

For Beekeepers

In our scientific and field studies, bee colonies with PureWave™ technology have shown to respond almost immediately and with amazing results in colony health, growth and increased honey production while eliminating or significantly reducing Colony Collapse Disorder and varroa mites.We look forward to partnering with qualified and experienced beekeepers that would sincerely like to be a part of this revolutionary project and who are willing to add value with their experience and skills to help us create a dynamic global effort to save the bees. We look to partner with beekeepers who truly care about their bees and operate as organically as possible.

Explore Our Beekeeper Program
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Bee Chemical-Free

Chemical pesticides harm bees. Switch to organic products and advocate for preserving wildflower habitats by contacting local officials to stop spraying and cutting ditches.

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Plant Wildflowers

Start an organic wildflower garden in your backyard or planters. Invite friends for a planting party, pledge for rewards, and share the fun on social media!

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Plant Blossom Trees for Bees

Bees rely on trees for nectar and nesting. Host tree-planting parties to support bees and connect with like-minded people.

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Open a Bee Bar

Provide bees with clean water by setting up a shallow bird bath with pebbles for landing. It’s a Bee Happy Hour Bar all day long!

Don’t take our word for it

All Testimonials
Jason D.

I’m highly sensitive and terribly ill from negative EMF’s but for me, the PureWave Cell is like wearing space-age armor. I feel great!

Alan C.

Your PureWave Honey tastes better than any other honey I’ve ever tried in all my life and my friends say the same thing. It’s the champagne of pure honey!

Bob D.

Well, it only took about a month or 2 with the PureWave Cell strapped around my lower back to take away all the pain I’ve had there for decades. Amazing really!

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