Bee Study with PureWave™ Cell Technology
Bee Study with PureWave™ Cell Technology
July -Nov.,2015
C & H Apiary & Farm
City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario Project Manager: Brent Knudsen
Submitted and Supervised by : Christine H, Registered Ontario Beekeeper
Criteria for Study
To Determine the efficacy of the PureWave™ Cell frequencies utilizing the PureWave™ PMF Cell in the Treatment of Bee Disease and Purification of Honey
Declining honeybee populations have created alarm worldwide over the past several years sparking significant research to be conducted into discovering the cause or causes of these occurrences.
One common thread found throughout these studies is the presence of high levels of chemical pesticides in colonies that have not survived. Viral infections, fungus and parasite infestation have also been identified as likely contributing factors.
Treatments to combat bee disease have focused largely on attacking the threat, such as the use of chemicals to control the varroa mite, a parasite believed to infect bees with other viral and fugal infections.
Chemical treatments for mite control, however, have limited usefulness as the parasite eventually builds immunity to that substance. These medications may also contribute to the chemical burden on bees within the hive and therefore be more of a liability to the colony’s long-term survival.
Contamination of honey products, either from chemical treatments or from toxins being brought into the hive with pollen and nectar from the fields, is also a growing concern.
Study Hypothesis
The study set out to answer the following questions:
- Is varroa mite infestation a symptom rather than a cause of bee disease?
- Is varroa mite infestation a result of a weakened immune system of the honeybees?
- Could PureWave™ PMF Cell technology isolate the honeybee colony from the toxins in the pollen and nectar being brought into the hive?
- In the absence of chemical use, would the colony be able to restore its natural immune system and resist parasite infestations?
- In the absence of chemical and other toxic contamination, would the colony then be able to restore its natural immunity and vitality?
- Could PureWave™ PMF Cell technology reduce or eliminate toxic substances in honey from being distributed to the consumer?
For purposes of the study, it was theorized that treatment of the hive with the PureWave™ Cell Technology would eliminate pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungus and poisonous chemical compounds from the colony.
This would allow the bees to restore their natural vitality thereby preventing parasitic infestations from gaining a foothold.
- The experiment was conducted between July and November
- Eight hives were selected for the
- Three control hives treated with formic acid to treat varroa
- Three hives treated with PureWave™ PMF Cells inserted completely inside on the bottom board with an entrance reducer to ensure the bees walked over the magnets entering and exiting the hives.
- Two hives were also treated with PureWave™ PMF Cells placed on the landing boards of the hives. The bees would have the choice of avoiding or walking on the PureWave™ PMF Cell.
- Mite trays were inserted on the bottom boards of all hives and the mite counts were monitored during the test period.
All hives would be regularly monitored by the master beekeeper for colony health indicators that included:
- Brood Pattern
- Temperament
- Honey Gathering
- Pollen Gathering
- Hygiene
- Nosema Fungal Infection
- Mite Infestation
- AFB (American Foul Brood)
- Swarm activity
- Supersedure processes
Bee and honey samples would be tested during and at the end of the study. Mite counts would be monitored during the test period.
Beekeeper Christine H. monitored and recorded her assessment of the colony health indicators throughout the season.
The experiment was organized as follows:
- 3 control hives treated with formic acid April 15th, 2015. Hives were located approximately 2000 feet away from the PureWave™ treated hives.
- These hive colonies had access to the same plant species, similar soil types and surrounding farming activities as did the PureWave™ hive colonies.
- 3 hives with inserted PureWave™ Cells and 2 hives with PureWave™ Cells on landing boards were all brand new ‘spring split’ colonies and were given unused boxes and supers with unused “wax” frames.
- No chemicals of any kind were added.
- Mites were monitored by means of a mite tray inserted on the bottom boards for a 24 hr. period on August 1st, October 1st, & November 1st, 2015. Keeping in mind that as the summer unfolds so do hive populations increase which would also increase mite populations at the same time.
- A small hive or new split may have 10,000 bees and a full, strong colony may have 60,000 bees.
- PureWave™ hives were entirely inserted with Cells or Cells placed on landing boards on July 28th, 2015.
Test Results and Conclusions
- PureWave™ PMF Cell hives demonstrated a higher level of hygiene and vitality indicators of a healthy colony
- Control hives (non PureWave™) appeared to be on the decline
- No incidence of Nosema or AFB present in the PureWave™ PMF Cell Brood, eggs, larva and bees all appeared to be healthy
- Evidence of varroa mite infestation in PureWave™ PMF Cell hives declined over the duration of the study
- Varroa mite levels in the control hives (non PureWave™) fluctuated with the use of chemical treatments
- PureWave™ PMF Cell hives foraged earlier in the morning and later in the The bees were more productive
- The three hives with the PureWave™ PMF Cells completely inserted on the bottom hive boards produced the most honey. One hive totaled 240 extra pounds of honey
- The two hives with the PureWave™ PMF Cells on the hive landing boards doubled their colony size and honey production by 120 extra pounds each.
- The three control hives (hives with no PureWave™ PMF Cell) did very poorly in honey production with 20 pounds of extra honey in only one of the three hives
- In the hives with the PureWave™ Cells the bees did not encase the fully inserted Cells in the waxy substance known as “propolis” indicating they did not perceive the Cells to be a threat to the colony.
- Brood patterns and honey storage in the hives with the PureWave™ PMF Cells were conducted in a more orderly fashion and the honey extracted was of very high quality